
Cherlyn Hayes is originally from Dallas, TX and currently resides in the DC metropolitan area. Aside from having a desire in understanding root causes of alopecia (hair loss), researching the latest medical treatments and natural remedies for the prevention of hair loss; she believes in creating balance in life by committing time to self-care love.


meet your cheerleader

Welcome and thank you to all of the beautiful souls out there for visiting! I'm the Founder & CEO of Beauty Beyond the Crown®. I created my company years after my diagnosis with various forms of alopecia (hair loss). I've discovered a passion in being an advocate for my health and finding natural remedies to manage alopecia.

My mission is to inspire women to rediscover their inner beauty, peace, confidence, strength, and unique style while living with alopecia. Another goal is to provide a safe platform delivering pertinent information on alopecia, hair loss prevention, treatments, and hair care maintenance. Monthly, I'll share my favorite beauty products, beauty tips, and encourage healthy and stress-free lifestyle choices.

My heart goes out to anyone enduring this condition. I understand the struggle firsthand; however, it doesn’t have to consume your life. Be uniquely you regardless if you decide to wear your hair natural, straightened, in a head wrap, bald & beautiful or a wig. You should be able to do so authentically without judgment.

Wishing you many blessings on your journey with love, positivity and serenity!  

Want to know what Cherlyn and Beauty Beyond the Crown are up to? Stay connected and follow on social media.

...gliding through life with grace & focusing on radiating from within.

Read my story about living with alopecia

on my own terms

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