As the dry months and cold season approaches, your hair care routine changes too. If you’re planning to have a wash day in the next day or so, it’s possible that you may see more hair in the drain than usual. Fall hair growth is not as simple as other seasons but it does require you to pay more attention to your hair. One big thing is to not be afraid of this year’s seasonal hair fall. As the season changes, your hair theoretically does as well.
But enough with the chit-chat and onto one of the most popular FAQs for this current season.
One of the most critical things to do during the colder months is to moisturize your hair and even over-moisture. Adding deep conditioning into your hair routine weekly or at least bi-weekly will help with strengthening along with holding needed moisture. Choosing to add deep conditioning in your hair routine isn’t the only thing that you’ll need to retain moisture because in most situations it helps with adding the right amount of protein. By using oil-based moisturizers after your treatments, you’ll be feeding your hair with everything it needs. With our Hair & Scalp Revitalizing Serum Powerful Strength you’ll be able to use this as your all-in-one oil to give your hair nourishment and everything it needs with ease. If you have any questions about Hair & Scalp Revitalizing Serum, feel free to review our FAQs here.
Staying away from heated styling tools will help you to retain moisture or assist your hair growth overall. Heated styling is something that needs to be done with precaution in general, but even more so now because it will cause your hair to become brittle and dull. Using extreme heat and then styling your hair in possibly tight styles will cause more pull to your hair. In addition, traction alopecia may start to appear because of this exact reason.
Did your mom ever tell you to take your vitamins? Well, to tell you the truth, she wasn’t wrong but the only thing she didn’t tell you was which vitamins to take. Multivitamins help with slowing down hair loss and also hair aging. Some vitamins to look for in your multivitamin would be Zinc, Iron, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Biotin.
You don’t have to worry about putting your hair up because as the leaves start falling, the temperatures do too. If you do decide to put your hair up, go the safe route by using spiral hair ties which can be found at your local boutiques and grocery stores.
Your fall hair growth doesn’t have to suffer this year…FINALLY. What are some other routines you’ll be adding this season?
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Disclaimer: All information and resources cited are based on the opinions of the author unless otherwise noted. Also, the information in this article is intended to motivate readers to make their own health-conscious decisions after consulting with their licensed healthcare provider. Please proceed with caution when trying anything you read here and always do proper research before trying something new.
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